Class 6- Tawheed – Importance and Conditions of the Kalimah

Class 6

‘Tawheed – Importance and Conditions of the Kalimah’

Meaning, Importance, Merits & Conditions of the Kalimah


It is common knowledge that Tawheed is the basis of the religion of Islam and that it is most precisely expressed in the formula, “La Ilaaha Ill Allah“. This seemingly simple formula forms the dividing line between Eeman (True belief in Allah) & Kufr (disbelief).Our Beloved Prophet ﷺ spent 10years preaching Just the Kalimah, at that time there was no SALAH, no Fasts, no ZAKAT, nothing. All He wanted people to do was to Believe in “LA ILAHA ILL ALLAH Mohammad ur Rasool Allahso it is a must for us to PONDER over this and learn about it.

True meaning of La Ilaaha Ill Allah

What a lot of Muslims believe the meaning is-“No God but Allah” or “No Creator but Allah” These Sentences are CORRECT but NOT the TRUE meaning… The True Meaning is- “NONE HAS THE RIGHT TO BE WORSHIPPED BUT ALLAH”


Definitely there could be no greater and more important a statement than ‘Laa ilaaha illa Allah‘ (there is no one worthy of worship but Allah). It is the statement of declaration of belief in Allah which is the dividing line between Imaan and kufr. It was the call of all of the previous Messengers and Prophets. The first question in the grave will be about this ‘Kalima’.Allah (S.W.T.) Himself attested to the importance of this statement in the Qur’aan: He (S.W.T.) said: …and know that Laa ilaaha ill Allah (that there is no deity worthy of worship but Allah)…”[Qur’an 47:19, 20:8, 3:18, 59:22-3]

The Place of ‘Kalimah’ in the Life of a Muslim
Some of the time we pronounce it are: –

  • (a) Adhaan.
  • (b) Iqaamah
  • (c) During Tashahud.
  • (d) During times of ‘Dhikr’


The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “The best remembrance of Allah is to say ‘laa ilaaha ill Allah’ (there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah).” Some Merits of the ‘Kalimah’: –

  • Al-Jannah is its reward.
  • Uttering it before death will cause one to be admitted to the Jannah.
  • It is a refuge from the Fire of Hell.
  • It is a cause for a Muslim to be forgiven.
  • It is the best of good deeds.
  • It wipes out sins.
  • It is the best of deeds and it multiplies into many good deeds.
  • It is a protection against Satan.
  • It is a safety from the darkness and the punishment of the graves and from the Day of Resurrection.
  • The eight doors of Paradise will be accessible to its pronouncer.

The conditions of La ilaha illallah and its meaning:

La ilaha illallah is the key to Paradise, but every key should have teeth by which it opens or it would not be useful.The conditions of La ilaha illallah are the teeth of this key, and they are: –

  1. Al-`Ilm (Knowledge of the meaning of the shahadah)
  2. Al-Yaqeen (Certainty – perfect knowledge of it that counter-acts suspicion and doubt)
  3. Al-Ikhlaas (Sincerity which negates shirk)
  4. Al-Sidq (Truthfulness that permits neither falsehood nor hypocrisy)
  5. Al-Mahabbah (Love of the shahadah and its meaning, and being happy with it)
  6. Al-Inqiad (Submission to the duties that must be performed with sincerity to Allah (alone))
  7. Al-Qubool (Acceptance that contradicts rejection).

Dear brothers and sisters, these are the conditions of the shahadah. These are the aspects of the shahadah that each and every one of us should look to in ourselves and ask ourselves, “Is my shahadah meeting those requirements? Am I saying it sincerely, honestly and out of love for Allaah? Am I saying it based on what it really means? Am I denying all other false objects of worship?…” These questions we should ask ourselves now before we meet Allaah. Allaah willing, we shall ask ourselves these questions now and we shall find that we have all the right answers for them. Or, if we find we have some deficiency, we shall work to remove that deficiency. Such that, by Allaah’s mercy, in the Hereafter, our shahadah will be the key to Paradise for us and the gates of Paradise will swing wide open for us and we will be able to live forever in the bounties of Paradise, with Allaah being pleased with us.

So knowledge is essential as opposed to ignorance, sincerity as opposed to Shirk and truthfulness as opposed to lies unlike the Mushrikeen and the hypocrites. Certainty is also essential as opposed to doubt, because one can say Laa Ilaha Illa Allah… and be doubtful of its meaning and requirements. Love as opposed to hatred, and acceptance as opposed to rejection, because one can understand its meaning but rejects it- as was the case with the Pagan (Mushrikeen) Arabs.

Compliance with ‘La ilaha illallah’ as opposed to shirk in the sense that the one who does not act according to it and complies with its requirements will certainly be a Mushrik (a person who associates partners with Allah azawajal). So anyone who fulfils all these conditions, has gained the light with which he worships Allah azawajal and he has ultimately followed the right and straight path.”

May Allah make us amogst those who adhere to the conditions and amongst those who love the Kalimah and are rewarded by having said Kalimah as their last words in this Life.

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  1. Do not have to memorize any of the Ayahs or Hadeeths.
  2. Memorize the True meaning of the Kalimah.
  3. Remember the importance and merits of the Kalimah
  4. By heart the Conditions of La Ilaaha Ill Allah (English or Arabic one is enough)