Class 11 – Fiqh – Salah

Class 11

‘Fiqh – Salah’


The Prayer: is the second pillar from the pillars of Islaam and the most important pillar of Islaam after the Shahaadah (testimony) of Faith.The Prayer is a link between the servant and his Lord. The Prophet ﷺ said: Indeed, when one of you prays, he speaks privately with his Lord.” [Reported by Al-Bukhaaree]

The Prayer is the joy and delight of the believers’ souls. The Prophet ﷺ said: My delight was placed in the prayer.” [Reported by Ahmad and An-Nasaa’ee]

It is the first Deeds we will be asked about on the Day of Judgement, it is what keeps us Muslim.

The Timings Of The Obligatory Prayers

Islam has prescribed specified time limits for each of prayer as can be noted from the following verse of the Qur’an: Prayer is enjoined on believers at stated times(Qur’an 4:103).

And in an authentic prophetic saying it is confirmed that someone once asked the Prophet ﷺ about the best action in the sight of Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) and the Prophet ﷺ replied: Offering prayer at its prescribed time (Reported by Imam Bukhari).

Thus, the arrival of the time for prayer is a fundamental condition for performing it and if, therefore, a prayer is intentionally performed before or after its designated time it shall not be acceptable in the sight of Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala). However, persons who may forget (without intention) to perform any of the obligatory prayers within its ordained time or who are overtaken by sleep, then such persons should perform the prayer as soon as they remember it and/or as soon as they wake up from their sleep.

We shall now enumerate the different timings of the five obligatory prayers:

  1. FAJR (Dawn) PRAYER: Its time begins at dawn when morning light first appears in the horizon and continues until the sun rises.
  2. DHUHR (Noon) PRAYER: Its time begins when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky and continues up to the time of Asr Prayer.
  3. ASR (Afternoon or Middle) PRAYER: Its time begins when the shadow of an object is equal to its own length, plus the length of its noontime shadow and continues until sunset.


Having cleansed yourself by Wudu, you may proceed to perform Salah. Wudu is a ritual cleansing. Before you begin your Salah, however, you must make sure that you have a clean body, a clean place to pray, and that you are wearing clothing free of impurities. The minimum clothing required during Salah is:

§ For males: Any clothing that covers from the naval to the knees. It is preferable to cover the shoulders.

§ For females: Any clothing that covers all of the body (including the head) except the face, hands, and according to Imam Abu-Hanifah the toes and a portion of the front of the feet.

The way to offer Salah:

Make the child see the video, make them understand it and let them by heart the Duas that are to be recited. Questions will be asked as to what is to recite in a respective position.

Things That Break Salat

  • Talking
  • Crying (scream)
  • To ignore, break, or miss one of the Fard parts (intentionally or unintentionally).
  • To deliberately miss any Wajib parts of the salat or unintentionally and failing to perform sajdah-Sahaf.
  • To chew or eat something.
  • Breaking into laughter.
  • To move about or shift unnecessarily.
  • To repeat an act irrelevant to the salat over and over again.

Undesirable Things

  • Trying to fold the garments to save them from dust.
  • , hair, etc.
  • Offering salat in an undignified dress.
  • Standing up for salat when there is a strong desire to go to the bathroom.
  • Placing one’s hands on the hip or back.
  • Shaping the fingers or intertwining the fingers of one hand with those of the other.
  • Turning the face away from the Qiblah or casting side-glances.
  • Yawning on purpose.
  • Praying in garments or on mat that has desings/images causing distraction.
  • Standing in the back of Jamaat when there is room in the front.
  • Keeping the eyes closed except for concentrating.
  • Prostrating one’s self by touching only the forehead or only nose or only edge of the cap.
  • Prostrating with one’s Elbows touching the ground.
  • Sitting square during the salat without a genuine reason.
  • Bending down for ruku before finishing the recitation properly and tying to complete it in the ruku.
  • Reciting the Quran regardless of sequence or size in various Rakahs of Fard salat.
  • Neglecting a Sunnah part in the salat.
  • Raising both feet of the ground in sijdah.
  • Trying to read something in front.

WORKSHEET: Download the sheets from the link above… There are three PDF files, download them and print them. The Worksheets are to make it interactive, fun and easier to learn, it is not madatory for everyone to do it. Please remember Sis Metinee Adam who volunteered to make these Worksheets for the course. JazakAllah Khair!


  1. Do not need to memorise the Ayaahs & Hadeeths but get a good understanding of it.
  2. Know the Qualities of Purification.
  3. Remember what breaks Salah
  4. Remember what are undesirable things in Salah.