Class 7 – Eid Eclipse Rain Prayers

Class 7




On the first day Eid the person goes to the ‘id Mosque or praying ground having undertaken the following recommended acts:

  • Total ablution (Ghusl).
  • Dressed in the best of clothes (preferably new clothing).
  • For Eid ul Fitr, it is Sunnah to go after eating odd number of dates. For Eid ul Adha it is to eat after prayer.
  • It is Sunnah to say Takbeer loudly when leaving our homes to go to Eid Prayer.
  • The Sunnah for Eid Prayers is to pray in the Musallah (that is in an uncovered place) and not in the Masjid. The Prophet ﷺ never prayed Eid Prayer in the Masjid
  • It is the practice (Sunnah) to head to the ‘id praying center by walking. Upon arrival at the place of prayer the person sits and waits for the prayer to begin.


1. After about 20 minutes from clear sun rise, the imam stands up for the prayer and loudly signifies the entering into prayer by reciting the “Takbiiratil lhraam” that is “ALLAHU AKBAR”. The whole congregation also follows suit by reciting the “Takbiiratil-lhraam”.

2. As usual, with any other prayer, the person thereafter comes up with the opening supplication known as “DUA AL ISTIFTAAH”.

3. After that, the Imam says “ALLAHU AKBAR” 6 more times and the congregation would follow likewise.

4. After completing the recitations of the words of greatness which total up to seven, the Imam would then seek the protection of Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) from the cursed satan in a low voice by saying “AUTHU B’LJBILLAHI MINASH SHAYTANIRRRAJIIM”. He would thereafter silently invoke Allah’s name by saying: “BISMILLAHIR- RAHMANI-R–RAHIIM” and then recite “AL FATIHAH” (the opening chapter of the Holy Qur’an) in a loud voice. The followers (congregation) would then say “Ameen” together loudly after the Imam completes reciting the “Al Fatihah”. Each follower would then recite “Al-Fatihah” silently. It is recommended that the Imam thereafter recites the whole of chapter 87 of the Holy Qur’an i.e. “SA BIHISMA ” (Glorified be the name of thy Lord, the Most high) or Chapter 50 Surah Al-Qaf. The followers are required to listen to the Imam’s recitation.

5. The Imam then raises his hands up to the level of his shoulders or ears performs “Rukuu” saying “ALLAHU AKBAR.” ‘Thereafter he raises his head up from bowing saying “SAMI’A ALLAHU LIMAN HAMIDA” followed by the congregation saying “RABBANNA WALAKAL HAMD”. The Imam and the congregation thereafter proceed to prostration saying “ALLAHU AKBAR”.

6. After the prostration, the Imam would resume the standing position for the second rakaat and the congregation would follow him up accordingly.

7. Thereafter, the Imam would say “ALLAHU AKBAR” 5 times and the congregation would perform likewise.

8. Then, the Imam recites “AL-FATIHAH” and for this second rakaat it is preferred that he thereafter recites the whole of chapter 88 of the Holy Qur’an i.e. “Al Ghasiya”, (The Disaster) or Chapter 54 Surah Al-Qamr  and the congregation would listen attentively.

9. Thereafter, the Imam completes the Rukuu (bowing) and Sujuud (prostration) positions in the manner already discussed and sits back for the words of witness “At-Tashahud”. Then, the Imam concludes the prayer with the words of peace i.e. “ASSALAMU ALEYKUM WA RAHMATULLAH” and of course, the entire congregation would follow the Imam in all these acts as is the custom in all prayers.

After concluding the prayer, the Imam would climb the pulpit to deliver the ‘Festival Sermon’, and starts the same with nine recitations of “ALLAHU AKBAR” with the congregation saying after him the same. After listening to the sermon, the congregation disperses. Listening to the sermon is not obligatory but is recommended.

Jabir reported: “The Prophet used to come back from Eid-al-Fitr on a path other than the one used in going to it.” [Bukhaari]

Eid prayer is the same for Eid ul Fitr & Eid ul Adha


The etiquette of Eid also includes the congratulations and good wishes exchanged by people, no matter what the wording, such as saying to one another TAQABBALA ALLAH MINNA WA MINKUM (May Allaah accept (good deeds) from us and from you) or “Eid mubaarak” and other permissible expressions of congratulations. 

It was narrated that Jubayr ibn Nufayr said: When the companions of the Prophet ﷺ met one another on the day of Eid, they would say to one another, “May Allaah accept (good deeds) from us and from you.” Ibn Hajar said, its isnaad is hasan. Al-Fath, 2/446. 


It is not obligatory for women, but it is Sunnah. Women should offer this prayer in the prayer-place with the Muslims, because the Prophet ﷺ enjoined them to do that. 

According to a report narrated by al-Tirmidhi: The Messenger of Allaah used to bring out the virgins, adolescent girls, women in seclusion and menstruating women on the two Eids, but the menstruating women were to keep away from the prayer place and witness the gathering of the Muslims. One of them said, “O Messenger of Allaah, what if she does not have a jilbaab?” He said, “Then let her sister lend her one of her jilbaabs.” (Agreed upon).

Based on the above, it is clear that for women to go out and attend the Eid prayers is a confirmed Sunnah, but that is subject to the condition that they do not go out unveiled or making a wanton display of themselves, as is known from other evidence.

SALATUL KUSOOF (Eclipse Prayer)

During the Jaahiliyyah, people used to believe that eclipses happened to mark the birth or death of a great person, but the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ declared this belief to be false and explained the divine wisdom behind the occurrence of eclipses:

Ibn Masood al-Ansaari said: the sun was eclipsed the day Ibraaheem the son of the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ died, and the people said, The sun is eclipsed because of the death of Ibraaheem. The Messenger of Allaah ﷺ said: “The sun and the moon are two signs from Allaah, and they do not become eclipsed for the death or the birth of anyone. If you see that, hasten to remember Allaah and to pray”. (Bukhari & Muslim)

According to another hadeeth in al-Saheehayn: Call on Allaah and pray until [the eclipse] is over.

Also Al-Bukhaari (1059) and Muslim (912) narrated that Abu Moosa (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The sun was eclipsed, and the Prophet ﷺ got up in a state of anxiety, thinking that it was the Hour. He came to the mosque and began to pray, standing, bowing and prostrating for the longest time I ever saw him do, and he ﷺ said: “These signs that are sent do not occur for the death or birth of anyone, rather Allah sends them to create fear in His slaves. If you see any of them, then hasten to remember Him, call upon Him and ask Him for forgiveness.

Allaah causes eclipses to happen to these two mighty signs, the sun and the moon, to teach His slaves and show them that these things are created and are subject to imperfections and changes just like any other created entities. Thus He shows them His perfect ability and that He alone is deserving of worship, as Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And from among His Signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Prostrate yourselves not to the sun nor to the moon, but prostrate yourselves to Allaah Who created them, if you (really) worship Him.” (Fussilat 41:37)

Sadly the people today have gone to the other extreme and has made it into an exhibition where people go out in open lands with glasses to view the eclipse when the Sunnah is to offer prayer and make dhikr during an eclipse. We should strive to differentiate ourselves from the people of negligence or people who do not believe by getting involved in prayers.  May Allah make us amongst those who implement the Sunnah.

People are afraid of the dangers of ultra-violet rays because of the complications that may cause and the possibility that they may burn the eye and destroy its cells and damage the lens. They fear that infra-red rays may burn the eye without a person even feeling it.

We should fear the Day when eyes will burnt when a person can feel it!

O Allaah, make us fear You and make us content to put our trust in You. Give us the strength to obey You and do not humiliate us by letting us disobey You. Help us to remember You and to thank You and to worship You properly. May Allaah bless our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.


The way in which the eclipse prayer is performed was narrated by Aa’ishah R.A. in a hadeeth narrated in Al-Bukhaari (1046) and Muslim (2129) is as follows :

  • The worshipper recites the opening takbeer (takbeerat al-ihram) and the opening supplication (du‘aa’ al-istiftaah), then he seeks refuge with Allah (Aodhbillah…).
  • Then he recites al-Faatihah, followed by a lengthy recitation of any Surah.
  • Then he bows, making it lengthy.
  • Then he rises from bowing and says: Sami‘a Allahu liman hamidah, Rabbana wa laka al-hamd (Allah hears those who call upon him; our Lord, to You be praise).
  • Then he recites al-Faatihah again, followed by another lengthy recitation but it is not as long as the first recitation.
  • Then he bows again, making it lengthy but not as long as the first time.
  • Then he rises from bowing and says: Sami‘a Allahu liman hamidah, Rabbana wa laka al-hamd (Allah hears those who call upon him; our Lord, to You be praise), and stands for a long time.
  • Then he prostrates twice, making each prostration lengthy, and sits for a long time between the two prostrations.
  • Then he gets up for the second rak‘ah, and does the same as he did in the first rak‘ah, bowing twice and so on, but each action is not as long as in the first. Then he recites the tashahhud and the tasleem.


In a hadeeth narrated in Bukhari, ‘Aa’ishah R.A said: “The sun was eclipsed at the time of the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ, so the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ led the people in prayer….. Then he finished, and the eclipse was over. He addressed the people, first praising Allaah, then he ﷺ said: ‘The sun and the moon are two of the signs of Allaah. They do not become eclipsed for the death or life of anyone. If you see that, then pray to Allaah, say Takbeer (“Allahu akbar”), pray and give in charity.’

Then he ﷺ said, ‘O Ummah of Muhammad, by Allâh there is no one more jealous than Allaah when His slave, male or female, commits zina (adultery or fornication). O Ummah of Muhammad, if you knew what I know you would laugh little and weep much.’” 


  • It is sunnah to pray Salaat al-Kusoof in jamaaah (congregation), because this is what the Prophet ﷺ did, but it is permissible to pray it individually, as with all other naafil prayers. However, praying it in congregation is better.
  • It is sunnah for the imaam to address the people after the prayer, and to warn them against negligence and being led astray, and to tell them to make lots of duaa and ask for forgiveness.
  • If the prayer ends before the eclipse does, then remember Allaah (dhikr) and call on Him (duaa) until the eclipse ends. The prayer should not be repeated. If the eclipse ends before the prayer, then the prayer should be completed quickly, but it should not be stopped or cut off abruptly.
  • In this regard a woman is like a man, because of the general meaning of the texts. So in her case the same is prescribed for her as is prescribed for a man, namely praying, calling upon Allah, seeking His forgiveness, giving charity, and so on.
  • If a woman has any impediment that prevents her from praying, then in this situation she can still do other things: calling upon Allah, giving charity, seeking Allah’s forgiveness, remembering Him, and other deeds by means of which she may draw close to Allah.


Prayer for rain is a confirmed Sunnah, proven by the practice of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and of his successors (the caliphs – may Allah be pleased with them).


  • Pray two rak‘ahs similar to that of Eid prayer (Abu Dawood)
  • It should be prayed as a two-raka’at Salat with neither the Adhan nor Iqamah. Recitations of Quran in both raka’ats are said aloud.
  • After the Salat, the imam delivers a single sermon in which he seeks a great deal of forgiveness and recites Quran over and over. Thereafter he supplicates (the authentic supplications of the Prophet ﷺ) with insistence, showing humility, helplessness and demonstrating how powerless people are in front of Allah.

It should be preceded with preaching and reminding the people with that which softens their hearts, like talking about repentance from sins and avoiding any ill-gotten properties by returning them to their rightful owners. This is because sin is the cause of scarcity of rain, but repentance, seeking forgiveness and piety are causes of acceptance of one’s prayers and the receiving of (Allah’s) favors and blessings. He should also urge them to give alms, as that is also a cause of mercy.


It is recommended (to observe the Salat) after the sun rises and has ascended up to the length of a spear; which is about 20 mins after sunrise, which is the time of Salatul-‘Eid (the Salat observed in the first day of Eid). However, due to any limitations, Salat Al-Istisqa can be performed any time during the times when optional prayers (Nawafel) are permitted.


The Sunnah is for it to be observed outdoors and not inside the mosque, in accordance with the Prophet’s ﷺ Sunnah, except when there is need to do otherwise.


  • A specific day should be set aside for going out for Salatul-Istisqa so that people can prepare.
  • It is the Sunnah when going to the pray to proceed in humility, submissiveness, servitude and subservience, while making one’s need for Allah clear. This is why it is not permissible to beautify oneself or go out perfumed. Ibn ‘Abbas said while describing the manner in which the Prophet ﷺ used to go to seek rain.
  • To seek a great deal of forgiveness and supplicate much, while the two hands are raised, during the course of the sermon.
  • It is permissible for Muslims to pray for rain in the land of the disbelievers.