Class 2 – Death-Day of Judgement

Class 2
‘Death & Day Of Judgement’



A mention is made on almost every page of the Quran about afterlife.  

In an authentic hadeeth Aisha R.A. said that the verses about Afterlife were sent down before any prohibitions, this helped in firmly establishing Islam in the hearts and hence making it easy to abandon things like Alcohol or adultery. So it is imperative to learn about these which can lead us to eternal bliss (Allah forbid otherwise).

In this class we will briefly study about Death & the Day of Judgment.



كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ذَائِقَةُ الْمَوْتِ

Life slips away second by second. Are you aware that every day brings you closer to death or that death is as close to you as it is to other people? As we are told in the verses

  • Whatsoever is on it (the earth) will perish. And the Face of your Lord full of Majesty and Honour will remain forever [al-Rahmaan 55:26-27]
  • Every soul shall taste death in the end; to Us shall you be brought back.” (Surat al-‘Ankabut: 57)

All praise is due to Allah, who reminds his slaves that their lives have an appointed time and that the successful ones are those who are saved from the fire and entered into paradise, when He says:  

Everyone shall taste death. And only on the Day of Resurrection shall you be paid your wages in full. And whoever is removed away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise, he indeed is successful. The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception.” (3:185)

And reminds them that death will reach them no matter where they are when he says: 

Wheresoever you may be, death will overtake you even if you are in fortresses built up strong and high!” (4:78)

Brothers and sisters! There is no cure for death. A cure for cancer exists, a cure for AIDS exists and a cure for every other disease exists, except death. The Messenger of Allaah ﷺ said: ‘Allaah has not created a disease except that He has created a cure for it, except for a single disease… old age

While you are reading this in the different places of the world, with different reasons many people have died. If you ask their relatives, most probably they did not know that they will die. Whereas you who’s reading this or me who’s writing this, maybe we won’t live to see tomorrow. Maybe these are our last minutes on the earth to repent and to be closer to Allah.

If not today, one day we will, all of us certainly will die at some point. We, people we know and people we love will also die. After 100 years from now no one we know today will be on earth.

Some people avoid thinking about death, they cannot even talk about it. They make plans only for this world and they live as if they will never die. They escape from death and thinking about death. Whereas as Allah states in the Surah al-Jumu’a, the death which they flee will truly overtake them.

The reason of why most people avoid thinking of death is that they assume that the life of this world – which they always search for a better and comfortable life – is real. However the life of this world is transitory. Allah says,

Ye prefer the life of this world; But the Hereafter is better and more enduring. (Surah al-A’la 16,17)

This reality must be established firmly in one’s heart, the reality that life in this world is limited and has an appointed end – and this end will definitely come…

Abu Hurayra reported that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, “Remember frequently the thing that cuts off pleasures,” i.e. death.” [at-Tirmidhi]

Death is not a disaster, but a passing from this world onto the next. It should make us reflect and ponder about the purpose of life, and what will become of us after death. 

Allah has informed us in the Qur’an that He has created us with the purpose of worshipping Him alone and that He made this life a test to see who will fulfil that purpose.

And I did not create the Jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” (Qur’an 51:56)

One does not prepare for death by pre-paying funeral services or selecting a graveyard in advance. It is about fulfilling one’s purpose in life – to worship Allah alone, to live according to His commandments, and perform good deeds. The concept of worship in Islam is all encompassing and is not merely restricted to praying. In fact, any action that is pleasing to Allah is considered an act of worship, and a person will be rewarded for it.   

Please join our free online certificate course “BENEFITTING THE DEAD”, to learn more about Death & Funeral rights. (available online now, register and learn)



When the son of Adam dies and his soul departs and he is placed in his grave, then he is in the first stage of the Hereafter, because the grave is the first of the stages of the Hereafter. 

The Messenger of Allaah ﷺ said: ‘The grave is the first of the stages of the Hereafter; whoever is saved from it, whatever comes afterwards will be easier  for him, but if he is not saved from it, what comes afterwards will be worse for him.

Our departure from this world is imminent. It is but a transitory place, a mere passage to our permanent abode, while the Hereafter is for eternity – beginning with life in the grave, followed by the stage of Barzakh, continuing on until the Day of Judgment (Qiyamat), until we can finally enter Paradise and/or Hellfire.

Please join our free online certificate course “THE GRAVE”, to learn more about Journey of the Soul, the Questions in the Grave, Life in Barzakh and our relation with them.  (available online now, register and learn)



(Day of Judgement + Recompense + Resurrection + Repayment + Judgement)

This strange and wonderful universe in which we live, teeming with  life and living things both visible and invisible, filled with constant motion that never stops or ceases, will remain like this until the Day comes on which Allah (SWT) will destroy all living things except what He wills.

There will come a day when the Ever-Living, Self-Sustaining will cause all life and living beings to perish, in fulfilment of His words:

Whatsoever is on it [the earth] will perish. And the Face of your Lord full of Majesty and Honour will remain forever (Qur ‘an 55: 26-27)

Then there will come a time when Allah will restore and resurrect His slaves. He will make them stand before Him and bring them to account for their previous actions. On that Day the people will be faced with immense terrors from which none will be able to escape except those who have prepared themselves for that Day with faith and righteous deeds. At the end of that Day, people will be driven to their ultimate destination, Paradise or Hell.

This Day is the Day of Resurrection!

Faith In The Day Of Resurrection

Faith in the Day of Resurrection is the firm belief in all that Allah mentions in the Qur’an, and in all that the Prophet ﷺ has told us, about the afterlife: the fitna of the grave, punishment and reward therein, resurrection, the gathering, the records, the reckoning, the scale, the fount, the bridge ‘as-Sirat’, intercession, Paradise and the Hell-Fire and everything which Allah has prepared for those who will dwell in them.

The Qur’an mentions the Last Day on virtually every page

It recounts its events and conditions in varied literary styles. It also provides us with a wealth of details on this subject.

Allah calls the Last Day by many other names

  1. Yawm al-Qiyaamah (The Day of Resurrection) {4:87}
  2. Al-Yawm al-Aakhir (The Last Day) {2:177}
  3. As-Saa ‘ah (The Hour) {15:85}
  4. Yawm al-Ba’th (The Day of Resurrection) {22:5}
  5. Yawm al-Khurooj (The Day of Coming Out)  {50:42}
  6. Al-Qaari’ah (The Striking Hour) {69:4}
  7. Yawm al-Fasl (The Day of Judgement, Day of Decision) {37:21}
  8. Yawm ad-Deen (The Day of Recompense) {37:20}
  9. As Saakhkhah (The Second  Trumpet-Blast) {80:33}
  10. At-Taammat al-Kubraa (The Greatest Catastrophe) {79:34}
  11. Yawm al-Hasrah (The Day of Grief and Regrets) {19:39}
  12. Al-Ghaashiyah (The Overwhelming) {88:1}
  13. Yawm al-Khulood (The Day of Eternal Life) {50:34}
  14. Yawm al-lfisaab (The Day of Reckoning) {38:26}
  15. Al-Waaqi’ah (The Event) {56:1}
  16. Yawm al-Wa ‘eed [The Day Whereof Warning had been given] {50:20}
  17. Yawm al-Aazifah (The Day that is Drawing Near) {40:18}
  18. Yawm al-Jama’ (The Day of Assembling) {42:7}
  19. Al-Haaqqah (The Inevitable) {69:1-2}
  20. Yawm at-Talaaq (The Day of Mutual Meeting) {40:15}
  21. Yawm at-Tanaad (The Day When There will be Mutual Calling) {40:32}
  22. Yawm at-Taghaabun (The Day of Mutual Loss and Gain) {64:9}

The Reasons for this Interest in the Last Day

Faith in the Last Day has a great influence on man’s life, Belief in the events of the Last Day, such as Heaven, Hell, judgement, punishment, reward, success and loss, has a greatly beneficial influence in directing the believer, ensuring his conformity and adherence to righteous conduct and piety towards Allah. There is indeed a great difference between a person who does not believe that he will be resurrected and judged for every word and deed, and one who does. The first is driven solely by his own personal interests and preoccupied only by his worldly ambitions. There is no constraint on him save for his desires and appetites.  


When Allah SWT wills to bring His slaves back to life, He will command lsraafeel to blow the Trumpet and the souls will return to the bodies, and the people will rise to meet the Lord of the Worlds.

The way the bodies will grow from the ground after Allah sends down that water which will cause them to grow will be like the way plants grow from the earth when there is rain in this world. Hence, in His Book, Allah frequently likens the Resurrection to the revival of the earth with vegetation after rainfalls.


The Day of Resurrection will be a Day of tremendous import and immense horror, the like of which mankind will never have seen. Allah SWT described that Day as being great.

  • Verily, these [disbelievers] love the present life of this world, and put behind them a heavy Day [that will be hard].” (Qur ‘an 76: 27)
  • Truly, that Day will be a Hard Day – Far from easy for the disbelievers” (Qur ‘an 74: 9-10)

 Allah describes the things that will happen because of the fear and terror which will befall mankind on that Day.

Mother will be heedless of the child, pregnant women will miscarry, people will be like drunkards

 “O’ mankind! Fear your Lord and be dutiful to Him! Verily, the earthquake of the Hour [of Judgement] is a terrible thing. The Day you shall see it, every nursing mother will forget her nursling, and every pregnant one will drop her load, and you shall see mankind as in a drunken state, yet they will not be drunken, but severe will be the Torment of Allah” (Qur ‘an 22: 1-2)

Eye will not bink, Hearts will be empty

Consider not that Allah is unaware of that which the Zaalimoon [polytheists, wrongdoers] do, but He gives them respite up to a Day when the eyes will stare in horror. [They will be] hastening forward with necks outstretched, their heads raised up [towards the sky], their gaze returning not towards them and their hearts empty [from thinking because of extreme fear].” (Qur ‘an 14: 42-43)

The hearts of the evildoers will rise and get stuck in their throats

And warn them [O’ Muhammad] of the Day that is drawing near [i.e. the Day of Resurrection], when the hearts will be choking the throats, and they can neither return them [hearts] to their chests nor can they throw them out..” (Qur ‘an 40: 18)

The hair of the child who has never committed sin will tum grey

Then how can you avoid the punishment, if you disbelieve, on a Day [i.e. the Day of Resurrection] that will make the children grey-headed? Whereon the heaven will be cleft asunder? His Promise is certainly to be accomplished)”  (Qur ‘an 73: 1 7-18) 

Blood ties (bonds of kinship) will be severed  

Then, when the Trumpet is blown, there will be no kinship among them that Day, nor will they ask of one another)” (Qur ‘an 23: 101)

On that Day, each person will care only about himself, and will not think of anyone else. Indeed, a man will run from those who are dearest to him, from his brother, his mother, his father, his wife and his sons:

Eyes will be overturned, shaking with fear 

  • They fear a Day when hearts and eyes will be overturned [out of the horror of the torment of the Day of Resurrection]. (Qur ‘an 24: 37)
  • [Some] hearts that Day will shake with fear and anxiety. Their eyes will be downcast” (Qur ‘an 79: 8-9)

Another indication of how terrible that Day will be is the fact that it will be so long.

One of the greatest of these horrors will be the total destruction of this earth with its mountains, and the heaven with its stars, sun and moon.

Our Lord tells us that this earth will be shaken and turned to powder, that the mountains will be made to pass away and will be blown away, the seas will become as blazing fire or will overflow, the sky will be rent asunder and will shake with a dreadful shaking, the sun will be wound round and will disappear, the moon will be eclipsed, the stars will fall and their light will be extinguished, and the entire system (of the universe) will collapse.


The positions in which people will find themselves on the Day of Resurrection will vary clearly. Here we will discuss three:

I – The kaafir,

II – The Sinners among those who believed in Tawheed, and

III –  Those who would be righteous and pious.

I – The State of the disbelievers

  • They will quickly come forth from their graves on that Day, rushing towards the source of the voice as if they are rushing towards the ansaab (stone altars) which they used to worship in this world. But on that Day they will not be rushing with joy and exuberance as they used to do when they approached their ansaab; on the contrary, they will be humble, with their eyes lowered and with their pride brought low, as Allah has warned them in this world.
  • The terrors and affects mentioned above will happen.
  • On that Day, the kuffaar will wish that Allah would destroy them and turn them into dust
  • The rejection of their deeds, those which they think will earn them something from Allah, such as charity, freeing slaves, upholding ties of kinship, spending for good purposes. But Allah has coined likenesses of such actions in His Book. He likens them to mirages which a person thinks are water, but when he comes to them, hoping that he will be able to quench his thirst, he does not find anything.
  • When the kuffaar – disbelievers – the enemies of Allah, see with their own eyes the torment that Allah has prepared for them, and the horrors that surround them, they will hate themselves and will hate those who were their loved ones and close friends in this world. All love that was based on anything other than faith will turn to enmity.
  • The weak followers will accuse their leaders, saying: you prevented us from believing; were it not for you, we would have been among those who followed that which was sent down to us from our Lord
  • When they see with their own eyes the severe torment that Allah has prepared for them. They will resort to lies and denials, claiming that they were righteous people, and that the testimony of the angels, Messengers and righteous people who testified against them is false. At that point, Allah will place a seal over their mouths and their hands and feet will speak of what they used to do. Then they will say to their own limbs, “Away with you! It was for your sake that I was arguing!”


Some of the believers who have committed sins, they will be faced with horrors and difficulties. Here we will list at some of the sins that leads to difficulty on the Day of Judgement.

  • Not paying Zakah
  • Being Arrogant
  • Some sins for which Allah will not speak to a person on that day or praise him
    • A man who swears an oath concerning his goods for sale after ‘Asr, i.e., swears a false oath.
    • A man who swears allegiance to a leader, and if he gives him something he remains loyal to him, otherwise he does not.
    • Lying on the part of the King
    • Arrogance on the part of a poor man,
    • Disobedience to one’s parents,
    • Imitation of men by women,
    • Diyaathah (cuckoldry, lack of protective jealousy towards one’s womenfolk),
    • Anal intercourse with one’s wife, and
    • Letting one’s garment drag along the ground out of pride

  • The betrayers or Breaking Promises

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “When Allah gathers the first and the last on the Day of Resurrection, a banner will be raised for every betrayer, and it will be said, ‘This is the betrayer of So and so the son of So and so. “‘ (Bukhari Muslim)

The betrayer is the one who makes a promise then does not fulfil it. So a large banner will be erected for the betrayer, on which his betrayal will be written, and he will be exposed on the Day of Resurrection. This banner will be placed at his backside. The greater the act of betrayal, the higher the banner will be raised.

  • Seizing others land by force
  • Being a two-faced person

The most evil of people on the Day of Resurrection will be the one who is fickle, who is not consistent in his attitude, but presents one face to some people and another face to others. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Whoever is two-faced in this world, will have a tongue of fire on the Day of Resurrection. ” (Bukhari)

  • Spitting towards the Qiblah
  • Lying about his dreams
  • Eavesdrops on people 
  • Ruler staying aloof from his people
  • Begging when he has the means of being independent


  • The people will be terrified on the Day of Resurrection, but the pious will not be terrified.
  • Those whom Allah will shade with His shade
    • i)  The just ruler
    • ii) The young man who grew up worshipping his Lord
    • iii) Those who frequented the mosques of Allah. (their Hearts attached to Mosques)
    • iv) Those who loved one another for the sake of Allah
    • v) Those who shunned the temptation of women
    • vi) The one who spent sincerely for the sake of Allah alone, hiding his charity.
    • vii) the one whose heart is filled with fear of Allah (so that he weeps for that reason when he is alone and there is no one else with him).
  • Those who strive to meet their brothers’ needs Allah will Help him
  • Those who show leniency to those who are in difficulty Allah will do the same
  • Those who control their anger. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Whoever controls his anger when he is able to act upon it, Allah will call him before all of creation on the Day of Resurrection, and will let him choose whichever of Al­ H oor al- ‘Iyn he wants” (Tirmidhi & Abu Dawood)
  • The muadh-dhins (who calls to prayer) will have long necks as symbol of honor
  • Those who go grey (grow old) in Islam. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Whoever turns grey in Islam, his grey hair will be a light for him on the Day of Resurrection.” (Tirmidhi and Sunan an-Nasaa’i)
  • The traces of Wud,oo’ will be illuminated


What is meant by the Reckoning and requital is that Allah will make His slaves stand before Him, and He will remind them of the deeds that they did, the words that they said, the faith or kufr that they followed in this world, whether they followed the Straight Path or deviated from it, whether they were obedient or disobedient.

The Principles according to which the People will be brought to Account

  1. Perfect justice which is not contaminated by any element of injustice.
  2. No one will be responsible for the sin of another.
  3. Showing the people the deeds that they had sent forth; (The Book)
  4. Multiplication of Hasanaat (good deeds) but not of sayi’aat (bad deeds).


1) Tawheed, Kufr and Shirk

2) What they did in this world. The Prophet ﷺ said: “The son of Adam will not be released from his Lord’s presence on the Day of Resurrection until he has been questioned about five things: his life and how he spent it, his youth and how he used it, his wealth and how he earned it and spent it, and what he did with the knowledge he gained.” (Tirmidhi)

3) The luxuries that they enjoyed

Then, on that Day, you shall be asked about the delight you indulged in, in this world” (Qur’an 102:8)

That is, the delights of a full stomach, cool water, the shade of dwellings, an even-tempered nature and the joy of sleep. The delights referred to in the aayah are not limited to those mentioned in these interpretations, because the kinds of joy and delight are innumerable.

Some people do not realize the great blessings that Allah (SWT) has bestowed upon them. They do not appreciate the blessing of having, water to drink and food to eat, or the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon them in their homes, spouses and children. They think that luxury means having palaces, gardens and fancy means of transportation.

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “There are two blessings which many people do not appreciate: good health and free time.” (Bukhari)

What this means is that they fail to appreciate these two blessings fully, and they do not fulfil the duties associated with them, and whoever does not fulfil the duties associated with a thing does not appreciate it fully.

The questioning about blessings and luxuries will be to question whether a person was grateful for the blessings that Allah bestowed upon him.

4) Promises and covenants

5) Hearing, sight and hearts. Allah says, “And follow not [O’ man, i.e., say not, or do not, or witness not] that of which you have no knowledge. Verily, the hearing, and the sight, and the heart of each of those ones will be questioned [by Allah].” (Qur’an 17: 36) 

The First of his Deeds for which a Person will be brought to Account

The first of his duties towards Allah for which a person will be brought to account will be his Salaah (prayer). If his prayer is good he will succeed and prosper, otherwise he will be a loser and doomed.

How the people will be given their Books (Book of Deeds)

Pious : Then as for him who will be given his Record in his right hand will say: ‘Here! read my Record! Surely, I did believe that I shall meet my Account! ‘ So he shall be in a life, well-pleasing. In a lofty Paradise, the fruits in bunches whereof will be low and near at hand. Eat and drink at ease for that which you have sent on before you in days past!” (Qur ‘an 69: 19-24)

The Rebellious : “But whosoever is given his Record behind his back, He will invoke [for his] destruction, And he shall enter a blazing Fire, and made to taste its burning.” (Qur’an 84:10-12)


“When the people are resurrected from their graves to the place (of Judgement), they will stand therein for as long as Allah (SWT) wills, barefoot and naked. Then the time of reckoning will come when Allah wills to bring them to account. He will command that the books in which the honourable scribes (angels) recorded the deeds of mankind be brought forth. Among them will be some who will be given their books in their right hands. These are the blessed (those who are to enter Paradise). Others will be given their books in their left hands or from behind their backs. They are the doomed (those who are to enter Hell). At that point each person will read his book.

Imagine yourself when the books fly forth and the Balance is set up, and you are called by name before all of creation: where is So and so the son of So and so? Come to have your record examined before Allah. Angels will be dispatched to fetch you, and they will bring you closer to Allah. There will be no problem posed by the similarity of names to your name and your father’s name. You will know that you are the one who is being called. Your heart will be filled with fear and your limbs will start to tremble. You will start to panic, your colour will change and your heart will sink. You will be taken through the ranks to your Lord, to be examined by Him and to stand before Him. The eyes of all creatures will be upon you, and you will be standing, before them all. Your heart will sink and you will be filled with intense terror, because you will know what is going to happen.

Imagine yourself, standing before your Lord, holding in your hands the book that speaks of your deeds. It will not overlook any terrible deed that you did and concealed, or any secret that you kept. You will read the book’s contents nervously, with a broken heart, faced with terrors from in front and behind. How many forgotten terrible actions will you remember now! How many bad deeds which you had concealed will be made known now! How many deeds which you took for granted were sincere and acceptable will now be thrown back at you in that place and cancelled out, after you had pinned such great hopes on them! How much regret will fill your heart and how sorry you will feel for your negligence in obeying your Lord!

The one who is given his book in his right hand will know that he is one of the people of Paradise, and will say, “Here, read my Record!” He will come forth and a white book will be brought out for him, in the middle of which are his sayi’aat and on the outside of which are his Hasanaat. He will start by reading the record of his sayi’aat and he will be scared; his face will turn yellow and his colour will change. When he reaches the end of his book, it will say, ‘These are your sayi’aat, and you are forgiven for them.’ He will be filled with great joy, then he will tum the book over and will read his Hasanaat, and his joy will only increase further. At the end of the book, he will find the words, these are your Hasanaat, which aremultiplied for you. Then his face will turn white, and a crown will be brought and placed on his head. He will be dressed in two garments and every joint of his body will be adorned. He will grow to a height of sixty cubits, which was the height of Adam.


Allah and His Messenger ﷺ have told us about people’s good and evil deeds being weighed on the Day of Judgement with a scale, to demonstrate the Justice of Allah.

The haadeeths tell us that it is a real scale, with two plates, and that Allah transforms people’s deeds into objects with weights whereupon the good deeds will be placed on one side and the evil ones on the other. 

The weighing of deeds takes place after the reckoning is over. Reckoning is meant to decide the deeds carried out by the servant in this life, and weighing shows their value and decides the commensurate recompense”.


The Prophet ﷺ said about the fount which Allah has bestowed upon him and his people.

The first to drink from it will be the Prophet ﷺ, followed by his Ummah, while the disbelievers and a group of disobedient people and those who commit of major sins and the people who innovate in the Religion will be barred from it.


On the Day of Resurrection, Allah (SWT) the Just, will settle the score between the oppressed and his oppressor, so that there will be no outstanding wrongs among people. Scores will be settled even among the animals.

When the Day of Resurrection comes, a man’s wealth and capital will be his hasanaat (good deeds). If he had done wrong to any people, they will take from his hasanaat to the extent that he mistreated them. If he does not have any hasanaat, or if his hasanaat run out, then some of their sayi ‘aat (bad deeds) will be taken and added to his burden.

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “When the believers have been saved from the Fire, they will be detained at a bridge between Paradise and Hell, where they will settle any scores that existed among them in this world. Then when they have been purified, they will be granted permission to enter Paradise. (Bukhari)


After the reckoning and weighing, people will pass over the bridge known as ‘as-Sirat’ set across the Hell-Fire.

In shari’ah, it means a bridge which will be set up over Hell, which the first and the last (of the people) will pass over. It is a bridge between Paradise and Hell.”

Everybody will pass over this bridge: prophets and honorable worshipers, believers and disbelievers, those who face the reckoning and those who don’t. Those who adhered to the straight path of Allah, His true religion, in this life will walk straight across the bridge on the Last Day. Some of the Ahaadeeth tell us that the ease with which people cross that bridge depends on the amount of good deeds they performed in this life. Some pass like meteorites, others like the wind, or as fast as the eye can blink, or as though they were wading through sand, while those with the fewest good deeds take one step and stumble the next and the Fire will touch their sides. When they have all passed along, they will say to the Fire: Praise be to Allah who saved us from you, after showing you to us. He has given us what He gave no other people

Easy deeds that are heavy on the Balance on the Day of Judgement

  • Frequently saying – SubnhaanAllah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar and Laailaaha ill-Allah
  • Saying : Subhaan Allah il-‘Azeem, Subhaan Allahi wa bi Hamdihi
  • Good Attitude/Character/Manners
  • Attending Funeral until the burial is completed
  • Reciting Quran
  • Fasting
  • Helping Others & Hiding others faults

Please join our free Certificate course “THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT”, to learn more about the Minor & Major signs of Qayamah and detail happenings of that day and how to save one self according Quran & Sunnah, :  (available online now, register and learn)

May Allah make us amongst the Pious, and save us from the trials of this Great Day, May Allah give us the Hidayah to do deeds that can get us amongst those who are under the Shade of Allah. May Allah forgive our sins and make us amongst those who get the book in their Right hands. May we have enough Emaan & good deeds to be able to pass the bridge and get to the Paradise that Allah has prepared for the believers!

Please remember us and the whole Ummah in your prayers!


  1. Do not have to memorize the Ayahs or Hadeeths word for word but remember the message being given in it.
  2. Remember the things that happen on the Day of Judgement (sequence and events).
  3. Remember and implement the easy deeds that weight heavily on that Day.