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  • A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband. A man never worries about his future until he gets a wife!”
  • Man is incomplete until he is married. Then he is finished.”

Heard these before? Believe in it?

SubhaanAllah we have so many jokes/trolls/quotes about Marriage and whats worse is that Muslims are also feeling it, all this when Allah has said we will find TRANQUILITY (Peace) in marriage…

He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find Tranquility in them” (Quran 30:21)

So what is it that is making the marriages be a pain and not bliss? Every single person wants a good husband/wife but do we think enough to be the right wife/Husband?



Here we will InShaAllah learn…

  • How to Choose the Better Half.
  • Intimacy in Islam.
  • Rights & Duties of a Better Half.
  • Conflict Resolution.
  • Prophet ﷺ as a Husband.
  • Wives of the Prophet.
  • And some more interesting topics InshaAllah!

Open for all adults, Men & Women, Married and Unmarried and its free… so please do invite your friends and family…

Pls read our FAQs to know how we go about things if U have any further Qs pls feel free to ask.

JazakAlllah Khair… As Salam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuhu 🙂


Ma shaa Allah tabarakallah. A course that can and will bi idhnillah help save many marriages in shaa Allah.

Learning about the beauty that is Islam which surpasses the western concept. The beauty that allows intimacy not only to be an act of self satisfaction but an act of Ibadah, if done rightfully. I have learnt how to enjoy my rights and ask and seek and even train both myself and my spouse on serving each others’ rights in a manner that is knowledgeable and not based on myths and cultural constraints. This course has allowed me to shut all the noise of people and emotions and place myself in a room with a praying mat and my Rabb and see how I can be the best partner to my husband in accordance to the teachings of Islam. Some truth hurts to accept but you see where you go wrong and humble yourself before Allah swt and find courage to make amence with your spouse.

I used to feel overwhelmed, especially with in laws and at times it became a rift between me and my spouse but reading this now made it easier for him to see my point and that it was ok to just say habibi am tired. Also I feared spicing things, for fear I maybe wild or seem spoilt, but now I see its allowed and perfectly normal and actually foreplay is recommended in marriage.This course has also made me see esp polygamy more as a remedy and a trial rather than a form of deception and ones spouse replacing the 1st wife. I have more respect for my marriage and now see the cracks which I need to quickly seal to perfect my marriage Alhamdullilah.

Indeed such courses show you not only what are your rights, but how to handle issues that arise in a manner that leaves you humble yet having you dignity intact and live a happy marriage. Jazakumullah kheyr sooo much

I definitely recommend it, it teaches true love and shows you how beautiful marriage in Islam is.bringing you closer as a couple and ma shaa Allah gives you confidence and courage with ilm to tactfully ask for your haq by making sure you give your spouse their haqq.The launguage is simple.The flow is gradual and relevant.The hadiths are relating to the topic and readable and actually relevant to the point.

Fathia – Kenya

Jazakummullahu khairan for this course. This course mashaAllah revives a lot of Sunnahs InShaAllah and bring peace in Muslim families.

I recommend this course for all my Muslim brothers specially from Asia (i m Asian btw). It will help us understand how indulged we are in our culture and far away from Islam are our practices.

Md Khan – Canada

It is “extremely” important for every man and woman to join this course to know about their Islamic rights and duties as husband and wife. This course is much more detailed than any other and covers almost all situations of life. It has helped me to look at “marriage” in a very different and beautiful way in just 2 weeks. The use of examples and scenarios have made the explanations very clear and engraving which helps us to actually follow the rules in real life. This course will definitely increase good qualities in you like patience, forgiveness, showing love, etc.

Hana N Ahmed – Saudi Arabia

It is “extremely” important for every man and woman to join this course to know about their Islamic rights and duties as husband and wife. This course is much more detailed than any other and covers almost all situations of life. It has helped me to look at “marriage” in a very different and beautiful way in just 2 weeks. The use of examples and scenarios have made the explanations very clear and engraving which helps us to actually follow the rules in real life. This course will definitely increase good qualities in you like patience, forgiveness, showing love, etc.

Hana N Ahmed – Saudi Arabia

I have read several books , but this Course material was very detailed on the specific topics which has improved my knowledge, showed me how to handle various situations as per hadith and sunna of my beloved prophet, I believe that my relation will further improve my better half.

Syeda Fatima – Dubai

It was a good and comprehensive course covering many important areas, especially answering questions that a person might not dare ask someone elder due to the topic being considered a taboo or sensitive in the society

I recommend it because it covers many aspects that the husband and wife face which have been explained practically in the light of the Quran and Sunnah.

Saad Mohammed – Saudi Arabia

Though I’m married for the past 25 years but I wish I took this course before my marriage I learnt beneficial things as far as marriage is concerned I know what to work on in my marriage.

I like the right and duties of the couple as the Qur’an stipulates it, I gained knowledge about intimacy and I strongly recommend the course for people who are getting ready to marry.

Zainab – Ireland

I loved everything about it. I shared with all my nieces and older daughters. I think taking this course should be obligated for everyone over 18 or before they marry. Not only once but a couple of times to sink in.

I (astaghfiruAllah) hated the part of polygyny in our religion but that’s because I never thought about it from the other wife’s prospective . Surprisingly, it was my most rewarding class. I was filled with guilt.

Rawida – USA